This is a heading 1

This is some text using a link to a special class; note the indent. The Heading above is a style linked to a style sheet that centers the text.

Here is some more text that is several lines long but makes no sense to anyone that can read English. This is a <P> style linked to a style sheet, kgs.css. This is the reason that all good men go fishing in the spring.

The body is linked to a style that includes a background. Some browsers support this feature.

The unordered list style uses a simple disk bullet

The ordered list style here uses decimal numbers,

  1. but it could have been upper case letters
  2. lower case letters, etc.

Here is the style sheet for the above. View the source of this page to see how it was used.

body { font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-style: normal; line-height: normal; font-weight: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; background-image: url(file:///F%7C/KGS/graygrvl.gif); letter-spacing: normal; text-align: left; text-indent: 10px; word-spacing: normal; white-space: normal; list-style-type: disc}

h1 { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-style: normal; line-height: normal; font-weight: normal; color: #000000; text-decoration: none; letter-spacing: normal; text-align: center; word-spacing: normal; white-space: normal}

h2 { font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; text-align: center}

p { font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-style: normal; line-height: normal; font-weight: normal; color: #000000; text-indent: 50px}

ul { list-style-type: disc}

ol { list-style-type: decimal}

p.hi-lite { background-color: #FFFF33; text-indent: 50px}