San Salvador, Bahamas
Mary Chesnut and Don Chesnut ©2008
Frank Ettensohn, professor of a University of Kentucky class, suffered a
sports injury to his knee four days before his class was to leave for field work
in the Bahamas. He called me and asked if I would lead the class. I was able to
get airline tickets to Ft. Lauderdale, FL for my daughter and me, but we had to
leave from the Cincinnati International Airport in northern Kentucky. A winter
storm warning was announced for the region and we had to spend the night before
the early morning flight in a hotel near the airport. That was a good
decision because snow covered the region during the early morning. The plane was
de-iced while we were on it which delayed us an hour. The plane did take off
before the airport was closed. We eventually made it to Ft. Lauderdale and
stayed at an airport hotel there. The next day (Saturday) we flew on a charter
plane to San Salvador Island. We were met by the Director, Dr. Thomas Rothfus,
of the Gerace
Research Centre (their web site) who took us to the research station. The
following are pictures of the trip taken by Mary and me. Or you may just want to view the photographs in the thumbnail directory (no maps or descriptions).
Getting There
- Mary and Don at airport hotel (Friday)
- students on Piper Navaho, Twin Air
flight to San Salvador, Bahamas (Saturday)
- cockpit
- takeoff
- cloudy view
- rain clouds that we left behind in
- excited Mary
- wing and port engine cowling
- hazy view of San Salvador Island,
a little closer but still hazy,
view over port engine,
Bonefish Bay,
approach to airport
- first ride on Meat Wagon,
Mary and gorilla, back of
Meat Wagon, the
group (minus Mary)
- local fellow playing guitar, we saw him
all over the island
San Salvador Island, overview
Grahams Harbour and North Point, Saturday: learning to use the snorkel and
mask, 8 March 2008
Party at the park, Saturday night
Going to local church, Sunday morning, 9 March 2008
Bonefish Bay, Sunday afternoon
We joined a group from Youngstown, OH for this field trip
Gerace Research Center, Sunday evening
Pigeon Creek tidal channel, Monday morning, 10 March 2008
Pigeon Creek sandflat, tidal delta and beach, Monday morning
We snorkeled to and walked on the delta and delta slope. There was a lot of
Thallasia grass and Goniolition.
Southern shore of Sandy Hook
Storr's Lake, Monday afternoon
We waded into Storr's Lake at three places to examine the bacterial/algal
stromatolites and thrombolites. We broke open a stromatolite to examine the
layers, the mucous and the smell produced by the various types of bacteria and
algae. No photographs were taken by Mary or me. Mucus is our friend.
Monday evening at research center
Lighthouse, Tuesday morning, 11 March 2008
- lighthouse area, from
Google Earth
- lighthouse and lighthouse-keepers'
houses, another view,
closer view of lighthouse
- grounds-keeper clearing weeds and
- spiral staircase in lighthouse,
another view, yet
another view,
looking down staircase
- looking out window,
view from window
- looking at light,
glass Fresnel lens and light mantle (see
lens at Wikipedia)
- on the parapet,
walking on parapet, view of
inland lakes,
another view,
view to north,
taking picture, view of
lake and ocean
- upper level parapet
- going down,
another view
- remnant of subaerial crust on
limestone, foot of lighthouse
Lighthouse cave, Tuesday morning
Little Lake near Cockburn Town, Tuesday afternoon
Cockburn Town Pleistocene fossil reef, Tuesday afternoon
Fernandez Bay, Tuesday afternoon
No pictures
Monuments for Columbus' landing, Wednesday morning, 12 March 2008
Grotto Beach, Wednesday morning
Watling Castle (Storr's Castle), 1600's, Wednesday afternoon
French Bay, Wednesday afternoon
No pictures. We entered water at old Government Pier. Water was turbid and
there was nothing but Thallasia grass.
Dim Bay (Ghost Goat Bay), Thursday morning, 13 March 2008
Graham's Harbour, ramp at front of research center, Thursday morning
North Point, Thursday afternoon
Rice Bay, beach in front of High School, Thursday afternoon
Underwater views
Puppies at Research Center, Thursday evening
Boat trip to Green Cay to see iguanas, Friday morning, 14 March 2008
- Ann piloting boat,
another view, yet
another view
- Mary and Jessica at bow of boat,
another view
- island ahead,
closer view
- iguana on conch midden, Cyclura
rileyi rileyi
- walking into island
- iguana on rock,
another view,
iguana and shadow,
iguana and plant
- sign about nesting birds,
another view
- sign about iguanas
- very sharp rocks with rhizocretions
(fossil roots or root concretions)
- large gully in limestone
- abundant rhizocretions on other side of
gully, one large rhizocretion and cross
beds, closer view of rhizocretions
- view of sea from gully,
Burt and boat near gully
- iguana with throat pouch, one with
throat pouch
- iguana with spiny frill,
closer view
- Eric trying to feed iguana,
closer view with bit of sponge
- iguana with dorsal sail,
another view
- large iguana,
- iguana walking away
- iguana with wrinkled neck,
another view, yet
another view
- very rough and sharp limestone surface
of island
- iguana on rock
- iguana poop
- iguana looking at us,
closer view
- Mary on island,
Mary and iguana
- rugged coast of island
- Sarah and Mary
Boat trip to the bird islands, Friday morning
- Mary at helm,
another view with Burt at throttle,
another view,
closer view
- first island, Great Blue Herons
- second island with Frigate Birds and Booby
birds, nesting birds at a distance,
another view,
both types nesting together,
another view
- Boobies and Frigates
- Boobies near water's edge,
Boobies and chicks,
close-up of Booby
- closer view of Frigates
- chicks in white
- birds taking off,
Frigate taking off,
more taking off,
yet another
- Frigates flying,
Frigate bird flying,
another view, another
several Frigates, Frigates from a distance,
birds overhead
Cockburn Town primary school, Friday afternoon
- covered assembly area,
walking to assembly
- high jump, principal in blue,
closer view,
girl at high jump, another view,
taking their turns,
high jumper,
another attempt, yet another attempt,
another jumper
- foot race
- row of girls,
another view
- taking turns taking pictures, one of
the girls,
Dad, Annie,
Annie and Sarah,
another view, young girl with glasses
- Mary and two little girls,
Mary, Annie,
Annie and girl with pigtails, Mary and
girl with glasses
Leaving San Salvador Island, Saturday morning